1974 Grand Lodge Convention
Holiday Inn - Ashtabula, Ohio (Click on Image to enlarge) ![]()
Row: (L-R) Elmer F. Murray, Jr., Glen W. Leng, Milton
R. Waldrop, Roman T. Keenen, Robert C. Ketola,
James Burns, Ralph F. Weber, L. Anthony Gilbert, Clarence G. Porter, Gustav Goransson Second Row: Richard W. Gowan, Murray Gillies, Marshall A. Banks, William L. Jagenow, Alfred B. Weber, James A. Cowan, Ace C. Zyp, Donald A. MacDermid, John Tenhonen, Stuart C. Minton, John J. Furgoi Back Row: James Sanders, Steve Horvath, Peter C. Kelley, Norbert R. Fahey, Kurth R. Granger, Joseph E. Fitch, Wayne E. Bratton, Robert N. Portenier, Perry S. Klumph, Otto A. Benson In the first row behind the Grand Lodge flag is Grand 1st Vice President James Burns. The Grand President-elect was Edward Magill, who was not at the convention. He was in the ICU at a local hospital having suffered a severe heart attack. Magill was finally installed at his home in May, 1974. Outgoing Grand President Ralph Weber continued in office as Grand President until Magill was officially installed. In the 2nd row, 4th from left, is William L. Jagenow who had just stepped down after 11 years as Grand Secretary. Captain Jagenow, who was also President of Detroit Lodge No. 7 at the time, passed away just 6 months later in July 1974.