Welcome Gift

Camilla Ross &
George Haynes |

Grand Lodge Jewels |

Installation of officers begins |
St. Andrews Pipe Band

Brad Upham leads
in National Anthems |
National Anthems
Color Guard leaves
Pipers head out
Grand President McMullen takes oath

Capt. Joe Ruch congratulates
Grand President McMullen

Presentation of the
Grand Lodge Ring

New officers take oath

Presentation of Grand
Lodge Medals

Presenatation of Grand
Lodge Medals

to Skip Skuggen |

Presenatation of Grand
Lodge Medals

New appointed officers
take oath

Past Grand Presidents in attendance

Presentation of gifts

Framed print by Paul LaMarre

New Grand First Lady &
Grand President

Representing Detroit Lodge No. 7

Past Grand Presidents in attendance

Incoming Grand Lodge officers

Group Photograph

Silent Auction

Gerry Folgmann
& Gerry Greig
Reception at Detroit Athletic

Guests arrive at
Detroit Athletic Club



Brad Upham leads anthems


Mark Barker gives keynote address

Members from Chicago Lodge No. 3







Tour of USCGC Mackinaw

Pilot House of Mackinaw

Looking aft aboard the Mackinaw

Chart Room of Mackinaw


































